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Ganges of Richmond

So Julie and I found this amazing little spot on the James River that had at one end, a fantastic vista of the city. On the other end there is no trace of civilization, this is that view. There were several Indian men swimming in the river while we were there, so I am calling […]

Logan Circle

Over the weekend my buddy Josh and I struck out into the hot city to find a place to cool off. After the quasi-cop left everybody went back into Swann Fountain including this guy and his daughter. Looked like she was having blast.

I want to ride my bike

After a miserable weekend of not being able to ride due to the on-again-off-again rain I hopped on the bike after work and did a quick run up to the Inn at Afton. Thunderstorms were headed the opposite way back towards Cville but stayed just to the North of 250 the entire ride. I took […]

Twisted Branch

Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar on Tuesday night.

Welcome to the Garage

Spent a a few hours last night hanging out in Lee park listening to some great music at this new tiny venue. Aptly named the Garage, it is a marvelous venue. Plop yourself on the side of the hill in Lee park, sit close to the garage on the ground, or slump into the couch […]

Seeking refuge

One more reason I am glad I don’t smoke. Sean and Lee huddle under the awning during yesterdays rain storm to enjoy a cigarette. I stayed high and dry while I stuck the camera out the door.

Something smells awful

A question to the local blogosphere. Has anybody hiked the section of the Rivanna Trail behind the UVa Law School recently? I was walking there with the dogs today and they came out of the water covered in what smells like fuel-oil/diesel fuel. Alice called the the ASPCA hotline and for the sum of $60 […]

Guitar Heroes

If you were hanging out at Friday’s After Five last Friday and you were inside the Pavilion, you missed the real show. These two guys, Oliver Chappel 10 (right) and Steven Bishop 9 (left), exercised their 1st Amendment right by rocking the Free Speech monument. In compliance with that stupid sign, they didn’t chalk on […]

At the buzzer


Dogwood Festival

Saturday night I trekked out to the Dogwood Festival to see what I could see. I hope to go back tonight and continue photographing.